Friday, April 15, 2016

Best Cameras for your money!

         There are many great, expensive cameras you can buy; the best features, quality, and ideas of your interest will determine which camera you will purchase. Everyone is going to have a different take on what kind of camera will work best for them. Hopefully this blog will help decide the best camera for you! 

       The first thing you need to decide is what type of camera you want. There are so many different types, sizes, and models of cameras to choose from. Some of the most popular types of cameras are:

  • Digital Slr Cameras (Digital Single Lens Reflex Camera): The DSLR camera is one of the most advanced camera. It is a larger camera and cannot be put in a pocket. It has an automatic mode and also a Manual mode. The lens adjust according to different situations. The DSLR has a larger sensor size; therefore creating better quality pictures. Price:$ 500-2000
    • Compact Digital Camera: These cameras are the perfect size when traveling and trying to capture moments. It can fit in a pocket or purse. It has a 3x zoom lens. It is in automatic mode. Along with automatic mode, it is equipped with many different scene modes such as: landscape, portrait, sports, and firework for many different occasions. Price: $ 70-300

    •        Bridge Compact Digital Camera: Although this camera is a lot like a compact camera, it is very different. The Bridge camera has a zoom like no other camera. It is often called "The Super Zoom". The Bridge is larger than the compact digital, but smaller than the DSLR. If you are looking for a good zoom camera this is the one for you.    Price: $100-2000

    •        These are just some of the best cameras out there. You cannot go wrong with any camera you decide to purchase, all of them are great. I hope this article has helped you consider what camera you would like to purchase. 

    1 comment:

    1. Let's be sure to get the links into full MLA format (use EasyBib), then you will find it easy to make end notes.
