Friday, April 15, 2016

Photography: White Balance

     There are many aspects to taking good, high quality pictures. Anyone can take pictures, even if you aren't experienced at all. A little research can take you a long way. There are many things people struggle with. For example, understanding the concept of white balance. White balance is the color balance on a digital camera. It is not the quality of light but is the color of light. It is when you take a picture that comes out a different color or a different way then what you see in person. The picture may have a different color tint to it.  No worries, there are ways to fix it through editing. Correcting color issues is generally very easy. It doesn't ruin the picture, and even greater, you don't have to be a pro at editing!
Government_Center_Miami_color_balance_comparison.jpg (1145×576)
( Example of white balance editing )
    As you can see above, the picture on the left is the original picture taken. It is a good picture of the building, but it is not what the photographer is seeing with their own eyes. After a quick edit, the photographer was able to make the picture look like what he/she saw in person.
    The easiest way to figure out how to fix your picture is by going to youtube and watching a video. If you are not a visual learner, you can google search how to and read about what you need to know. 
    This is just one of the many things that comes along with being a skilled photographer!

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